Annual Show Artist Information


We voted last year to keep our show juried. However, the purpose is not to judge but rather to share and enjoy our finest, finished work.  As artists we need feedback.  Jurists note areas that are well done, areas that can be improved, and any area that may need some attention so that the piece can be accepted into our LuRon show.  In the short time and limited space of the jury session, this critique is a small but invaluable look at our work.

 1. Each sculpture must be the work of a current NWDA member and not previously entered in any annual NWDA show.

 2. Sculptures should be found WOOD, have artistic form, harmony, balance and a pleasing flow of line.

 3. LURON METHOD ONLY:  No foreign objects. No obvious carving; minimal shaping is fine.  Shaping is distinguished from carving in that no features or fine details are noticeable, e.g. feathers, whiskers, eyes, nose, feet, etc.

 4. The sculpture must be carefully cleaned with no obvious tool marks or scratches. The finish must be soft and natural looking. There should be no dust or fuzzies; no obvious pitch or dirt (especially in       cracks); no obvious glue or paint; no noticeable nails, screws, or felt; no nicks, un-worked cracks or holes or unfinished ends.

5. A member may submit no more than four (4) sculptures into the 2014 show. Guidelines will be used to determine the size “category” of each sculpture at sign-in on Jury Day.

6. All sculptures must have artist name, sculpture name and an arrow indicating the FRONT view of the sculpture on the underside of the base.  The smallest of miniatures may be exempt from this       requirement due to limited space.

 7. All sculptures should be securely based.  If the base is detachable please include a note indicating how to assemble the piece.  Use a diagram if necessary.  BASES MUST KEEP SCULPTURES SECURELY BALANCED AT ALL TIMES.  No “swinging or swiveling” of sculptures. Balance is extremely important to maintain as the show set-up people carefully move sculptures from area to area.

 8. Materials used for basing are at the artist’s discretion.  The base should complement the sculpture and not distract the eye in color, size, shape, material or proportion. Multiple basing is OK.  Remember,  the focus should be on the sculpture.

 9. Felt or other cushioning must be on each base or self-based sculpture with the exception of miniatures. Cushioning can sometimes unbalance these smallest of sculptures.

10. Wall hangings must be securely wired and able to hang balanced from a line hung from the ceiling or molding. They can weigh no more than 5 lbs. for safety. These sculptures will be tested prior to jurying         to ensure balance and weight is acceptable.

11. Unfinished areas are OK if they are part of the overall design and are cleaned thoroughly.

12. More than one piece of wood per sculpture is OK if it is not a montage or an obviously constructed piece.  In other words, it needs to look like Mother Nature’s work.

13. Frames & shelves are not acceptable.  Plaques are permitted.  Definitions:  A shelf is a flat horizontal ledge under a sculpture.  A frame is a border surrounding a sculpture, with or without a plaque.  A plaque is a thin, flat piece of wood used as background for a sculpture.


Requirements:  (1) NWDA dues must be paid before a sculpture may be entered into the show.

(2) A label should be on the bottom of each sculpture with the artists’ name, name of piece and an arrow pointing to the front viewing.  (3) An Artist Release card must be filled out for EACH sculpture.  (4) All sculpture(s) should have felt or padding on the bottom of the base. Some miniatures may be exempt from this because of balance issues on these smallest of pieces.

(1)  Upon arrival on Jury Day, a clerk will direct artists to the Treasurer to pay dues and/or sculpture entry fees and then to the table for unpacking sculptures.  All packing materials and boxes should be stored out of the way once your sculpture(s) are unpacked.

(2)  Proceed by taking your sculpture(s) to the Sizing Table.  The Sizing team will use specially cut “frames” to determine the size category of your piece(s):  Miniatures will be up to 5”, small up to12”, medium up to 18”, large over 18”.  For safety reasons Hanging pieces can be no more than 5 lbs and will be tested for balance.  These categories will help the set-up team arrange sculptures accordingly so that no piece will be dwarfed by larger sculptures 

(3)  After sizing, take your piece(s) and the completed Artist Release card(s) to the Sign-In table. The clerks will enter each sculpture onto a sign-in sheet and place a numbered dot on the back of the sculpture’s base. It is extremely important that this dot remain on the sculpture until after check in at Country Village. You should write down the number(s) assigned to your sculpture(s) in order to find their associated comments on the jurors’ sheets. Jury results will be posted as soon as available. Be sure to check all THREE juror sheets (one from each juror) to get your comments.

(4)  The sculpture(s) will then be handed to a Carry Clerk and placed on the holding table.  Please do not touch yours or anyone else’s sculpture once the Clerk has received your piece(s). You may be seated in the appointed area until jurying is completed on your sculpture(s).  Please keep conversations at a low level as this can be distracting for jurors.  Snacks and coffee/tea will be available.

Pictures will be taken of each sculpture prior to Jurying.  After your sculpture(s) is photographed and juried, it will be placed on a Pick Up table.  You may retrieve your piece(s) and repack.   

Although rare, occasionally a piece is rejected from entering the Show.   A rejection occurs when TWO jurors mark “N” (no) in the right hand column of the Jurors Comment Sheet.  In the event that a piece is rejected, the artist can appeal that decision by petitioning for a review. All appeals must be voiced before the end of the Jury Day, at which time a review will be scheduled with the Review Committee.  This committee will consist of the Show Chair and two other artists.  As part of the review, the petitioner will be required to provide a “before” picture of the sculpture in question.  This will enable the Review Committee to make a more informed decision.

Bring your juried sculptures to Country Village on Friday, May 16 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. for check-in for the Show.  After check-in please leave the facility unless you have an assigned job to do.  The fewer people in work areas the faster set-up will go.
Revised March 2013